Data Center Security News

Policy makers shift attention to cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has long been the turf of tech engineers and IT managers. However, recent developments indicate that key…

Data centers could fill the IT skills shortage

In any industry, the ideal situation is when supply, demand, labor and resources to all match up in a perfect symbiotic…

Bad news and good news about data security

Cyber security threats were a constant source of anxiety for business owners, hospitals and IT departments in the last…

Digitus Security News Roundup: December 2014

Hello and welcome to our monthly news roundup. Today, we’ll be talking about retailers, and how data breaches…

Biometrics fill a growing need

With data security threats looming large, data centers and other companies holding sensitive information are looking…

Digitus Security News Roundup

Hi and welcome to our monthly news roundup. Today, we’re going to be talking about some of the biggest…

Government agencies fight data breaches

In this digital age, information is stored and shared on a variety of channels. As such, data has become more and more…

Data centers should prepare for anything

There is a prevailing mindset that afflicts people all over the world – "It won't happen to me."…

Patients have relaxed attitudes regarding health record security

In this digital age, it seems as though any piece of information can be accessed online by anyone with the right amount…

Data centers should cut costs, not security

Data centers have plenty of costs to cover. There is leasing the space itself, running electricity, paying staff and a…