Data Center Security News

Data center construction taking a new focus

New developments in the data center industry are changing focus on a regular basis, with many firms centering on…

What you should take away from the recent ‘Heartbleed’ debacle [VIDEO]

Have you heard about the Heartbleed bug that’s been causing panic in the IT security world? Basically, Heartbleed…

On the black market, sensitive data is worth more than you think [VIDEO]

No one wants to believe that someone at their company would steal. While it’s unpleasant to think about, the…

Data center security falls short with growth of virtualization

An increasing reliance on software-defined data centers is causing a shortfall in the security compliance of some…

Data center operators turning focus to security

Security is one of the top concerns of data center operators today. According to a recent study by Infonetics Research,…

How Data Center Security Made Headlines in 2013

As the clock ticks down to the end of the year, it is probably fair to say that 2013 has been one of the most eventful…

Data security, not privacy, the concern for U.S. citizens

While the surveillance actions of the NSA may have generated headlines throughout the last 12 months, it appears that…

Data center security at top of modernization agenda

With the beginning of the new financial year only days away, data center security is being seen as a vital aspect of…

Cold War bunkers provide data security in Switzerland

The Swiss have always had a reputation for keeping financial information safe from unwelcome visitors, and it looks as…

Demand for managed services will see data center revenue rise

Growing demand for managed services in the high tech and telecommunication sector will see the market reach new…